
Dozens of Javan White-Eyes Released Into the Wild in Karawang

Diana Mariska
The Javan white-eye (zosterops flavus). (Photo: Ministry of Environment and Forestry)
The Javan white-eye (zosterops flavus). (Photo: Ministry of Environment and Forestry) - Dozens of Javan white-eyes (zosterops flavus) were released into the wild in Karawang regency, West Java, during an event to celebrate the World Environment Day on June 5.

Besides releasing the birds, on the occasion initiated by power plant company PT Jawa Satu Power (JSP), hundreds of mangrove trees were also planted along the Cilamaya coast in the regency.

“The bird release and mangrove trees planting were done to celebrate the World Environment Day on June 5,” JSP’s president director Asistia Semiawan said on Wednesday, June 8, as reported by Antara.

The company’s employees kicked off of the celebration by picking up litter alongside the road to the power plant, and it was followed with the bird release.

“The birds, which are also known as Javan white-eyes or pleci, are endemic to coastal areas around the plant’s location,” Semiawan said.

JSP also planted hundreds of mangrove and tropical almond trees (Terminalia catappa) in an effort to prevent abrasion in the area.

The Independent Power Plant (IPP) Jawa-1 is a project that integrates gas and steam power facilities, and it’s located in Cilamaya, Karawang, West Java.

Meanwhile, JSP is a consortium of PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI) (subholding power and new renewable energy from PT Pertamina), Marubeni Corporation, and Sojitz Corporation.

Tag # flora and fauna # zosterops flavus # indonesia endemic animals # endemic animal

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