- The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) appreciates the use of bodycams (reconnaissance cameras) at the Surabaya City Police Resort, as a form of Police's seriousness in improving professionalism, transparency, and accountability of police officers in the field. Member of the National Police Commissioner, Poengky Indarti, hopes that the use of body cams will be expanded throughout Indonesia.
"We hope that the number of body cameras will be increased so that all members who are on duty in the field and contact with the community can use it," said National Police Commissioner Poengky Indarti when contacted in Jakarta, Saturday, April 9, 2022.
Police in Surabaya, East Java, provided members of the traffic unit (Satlantas) on duty with body cameras (bodycams). Currently, there are only 18 bodycam units used by the Surabaya Poltabes Satlantas Team with a duration of use of 6 to 8 hours per unit.
Although the use of bodycams by the Surabaya Police is still limited to traffic units and detective units, Indarti appreciates this effort as a form of sincerity in improving the professionalism of the Police. "We also hope that not only the Surabaya Police will use this body camera, but also all police officers throughout Indonesia," she said.
Indarti said the use of bodycams for all police officers in Indonesia is important to minimize potential violations by members in the field. For example, members make a “dirty deal” in the field by receiving a certain amount of money or resorting to excessive violence. On the other hand, she continued, with the use of bodycams, members can also immediately record the occurrence of criminal acts or can be evidence if members are accused of committing violations that they did not commit.
Indarti also said that the current use of bodycams is a necessity for the National Police to improve service quality, supervise members, as well as support law enforcement efforts. This effort is similar to what has been done in developed countries and neighboring countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, which already use bodycams.
"With the body camera, it is hoped that the quality of Polri members will be better," she said.
But Indarti said, it is not enough just to use a bodycam, inherent supervision from superiors and internal control is needed to maximize the use of bodycams. Therefore, it is hoped that the superiors and internal supervisors of the National Police can review the bodycam of each member every day or if there are cases involving members, they must be examined.
"With the help of a body camera, it is hoped that the internal supervision of the National Police will be more firm and independent so that it can prevent member delinquency," she said.