
DPR to Pass Sexual Violence Bill

Arfi Bambani
Sexual violence illustration (Photo: Faizin)
Sexual violence illustration (Photo: Faizin) - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction of the House of Representatives (DPR) was the only faction that rejected the Sexual Violence (TPKS) Bill to be continued for second-level decision-making at the nearest plenary meeting. With a majority accepting, this bill will soon be passed.

PKS Faction conveyed this in a joint meeting between the Legislative Body and the government regarding the report of the Working Committee on the TPKS Bill. Meanwhile, the other eight factions fully support the steps taken by the DPR to bring the TPKS Bill to a plenary session to be passed into law.

"The opinions from the mini-factions have been completed, from nine factions, eight factions have agreed with the various notes contained in them. One faction refused, in the sense that it did not reject the content of the substance, sir, but there was something I understood earlier but the point was that it refused," said Chairman of House Legislative Body Supratman Andi Agtas in a meeting with the government, Wednesday, April 6, 2022.

Next, Supratman asked for the approval of the House. "Can we approve the Bill on the Crime of Sexual Violence to be continued in the plenary session for second-level talks?" Supratman asked.

"Agreed," answered the majority of members of the Legislative Body.

The Sexual Violence Bill was agreed to be discussed at the next level. The agreement was made after the majority of the factions agreed to the results of the Working Committee to make the TPKS Bill a DPR initiative proposal.

Chairman of the House's Legislation Board Supratman said that seven factions supported the results of the committee. While one faction, namely the Golkar Faction, asked for a delay for further investigation. Another faction, PKS, firmly refused.

Furthermore, Supratman asked for the approval of members who were physically or virtually present to continue making decisions on the TPKS Bill text to a plenary meeting.

"I ask again, can we approve the draft of the Sexual Violence Bill?" Supratman asked. The majority said yes.

Previously, Ferdiansyah representing the views of the Golkar faction said that shortly Golkar would hold hearings with religious leaders. The hearing was to re-absorb inputs regarding the TPKS Bill.

"We, Golkar, propose to continue the study," said Ferdiansyah.

Meanwhile, Muzzammil Yusuf representing the PKS faction said that PKS's attitude was to reject the TPKS Bill to the next stage as long as there were no rules regarding the prohibition of adultery and the prohibition of LGBT.

Tag # sexual violence bill # prosperous justice party # indonesia sexual violence bill # sexual crime

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