
Gov't Eyes Post-Ramadan Endemic, Says Vice President

Diana Mariska
Passengers in Kalideres terminal in West Jakarta. (Photo: ANTARA/Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna)
Passengers in Kalideres terminal in West Jakarta. (Photo: ANTARA/Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna) - Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said the government is eyeing the country to enter endemic phase after Ramadan and Idul Fitri holiday, where sharp increase in positive cases will greatly influence the next decision made by the cabinet.

Amin said Ramadan holiday will be one of the most crucial factors in determining whether COVID-19 can finally become an endemic or not.

“This Idul Fitri and Ramadan will decide whether we will get into endemicity or stay in the pandemic,” he said on Thursday, March 31, as reported by Antara.

President Joko Widodo has previously announced that homecoming trips, or mudik, will be allowed this year for people who are fully vaccinated and have received their booster doses.

Despite having announced the vaccination requirement, the Vice President reminded people to remain vigilant in implementing necessary health protocols to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“Even though many say it wasn’t as dangerous [in Indonesia’s rural areas], there are a lot of elderlies, vulnerable people with pre-existing conditions, and children,” he warned.

Amin asked local governments to prepare their respective area for high volume of people returning to their hometowns this year, and lastly, he expressed his hope that there will be no increase of positive case after the holiday, so Indonesia can expect to enter endemic post-Ramadan.

“So we can return to normality,” he stated.

Tag # indonesia covid endemic # indonesia vice president # covid endemic # indonesia ramadan # ramadan in indonesia # indonesia idul fitri # president joko widodo # joko widodo # indonesian vice president

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