
Data Protection Authority, Parliament Debate with Government

Arfi Bambani
Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body of Indonesia's House of Representatives Willy Aditya
Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body of Indonesia's House of Representatives Willy Aditya - Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body of Indonesia's House of Representatives Willy Aditya stated that the obstacle in discussing the Data Protection (PDP) Bill was related to the existence of a body that has the authority to manage the personal data of citizens. Parliament wants the institution to be independent, but the government to place it under the Ministry of Communications and Informatics.

The Nasdem Party politician views that an independent personal data protection supervisory authority is important to maintain the stability of the body, especially when there is a change of leader. In addition, with an independent body, citizens will not be threatened by abuse of power either by the government or corporations.

Thus, Willy asked for support from civil society to fight for the PDP Bill to have an independent personal data protection authority. "Only one article is left, the others are finished," he said in a discussion entitled "The People Demanding the DPR: Revision of the ITE Law, TPKS Bill, PDP Bill" which was broadcast on the PARA Syndicate YouTube channel, monitored from Jakarta, Thursday, March 24, 2022.

Willy Aditya said that DPR would only discuss the revision of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) after the discussion of the Personal Data Protection Bill was completed. "If the PDP is completed, the revision of the ITE Law will be discussed immediately," said Willy.

He said that the obstacles in discussing the revision of the ITE Law were caused by problems in the procedure. A commission in the DPR, said Willy, can only discuss one bill proposed by the government or one bill proposed by himself. "ITE is a government proposal. PDP is also the Government's proposal. Both of them cannot be discussed at the same time unless a special committee is formed,” said Willy.

However, until now, there has been no decision from the DPR leadership to form a special committee. “Previously, the ITE Commission I was created, but there is political will from the government. The government has a good political will, of course, we will respond," he said.

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