Muria Strait Turned Into Land Because of Colonial Forest Clearing: BRIN
A BRIN researcher cautioned that this land formed from sedimentation has not undergone complete compaction, making buildings on it susceptible to collapse.
A BRIN researcher cautioned that this land formed from sedimentation has not undergone complete compaction, making buildings on it susceptible to collapse.
Sorghum was first cultivated in Indonesia in the 1970s.
Indonesia proposes regulation for nuclear-powered submarine programs in a UN forum to build awareness of the possible risks it poses. Indonesia sees a legal vacuum regarding nuclear-powered submarines.
TheIndonesia.co - The Nuclear Energy Research Organization (ORTN) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) said that the majority of ports in Indonesia still have not installed radiation monitoring systems for safety and security.
"We have 172 ports, only seven ports have been installed," said Acting Head of the Center for Research and Technology for Radiation Detection and Nuclear Analysis (PRTDRAN) Abu Khalid Rivai in the Webinar Deep Talk of Radiation Detection and Nuclear Analysis Research Technology in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
Rivai said that it is important to install a radiation portal monitor (RPM) system at ports because the port is the route in and out of radioactive goods, either into or out of the country. Installing the radiation monitoring system can prevent the entry and exit of illegal and dangerous radioactive goods into Indonesian territory.
Ports that have a radiation monitoring system installed include Batu Ampar Port in Batam, Bitung Port in North Sulawesi, and Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta. The development of an environmental radiation monitoring system for safety and security (SPRKK) is one of the 2020-2024 National Research Priorities coordinated by the BRIN ORTN.
Radiation monitoring systems can be installed in a number of priority areas such as vital objects, ports, borders, or the entry and exit of goods from abroad to within the country. RPM is a radiation monitoring portal that is permanently installed to scan or inspect sources of gamma radiation and/or neutrons automatically on goods, people, and vehicles that pass through the detection area.