Indonesia Eyes End of COVID Restrictions Next Year
The president said Indonesia has gradually managed to handle the pandemic and has been returning to normalcy.
The president said Indonesia has gradually managed to handle the pandemic and has been returning to normalcy.
They are set to be destroyed immediately.
The circular letter is effective starting on August 25, 2022.
TheIndonesia.co - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said the no-quarantine policy was extended throughout Indonesia. This policy follows the success of the quarantine-free program in several regions in Indonesia, such as Bali and Batam.
"(Now entering Indonesia) only with the entry of PCR test," he said at the Weekly Press Briefing, Jakarta, Monday, March 21, 2022.
This policy was decided because the COVID-19 pandemic handling is considered to be under control thanks to the community's adherence to strict and disciplined implementation of health protocols. Furthermore, it was said that the circular letter of the task force (task) for handling COVID-19 related to the no-quarantine policy was issued no later than March 22, 2022.
In addition to the controlled handling of the pandemic, he added, the smooth implementation of no-quarantine trials in Bali, Batam, and Bintan was also a reference for the government to expand the no-quarantine policy throughout Indonesia. In those three regions, the positivity rate is very low and the reproduction rate is decreasing.
"To remind us all, testing and tracing must be strengthened again. Indeed, antigen as a travel requirement has been removed, but as surveillance, as a condition for close contact, this must be strengthened," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Uno also stated that the PeduliLindungi app should be increasingly utilized considering that in the last few weeks its usage showed a downward trend.
He also stated that during the month of Ramadan, people can worship freely while still implementing health procedures, and have carried out complete and booster doses of vaccination, which will be adjusted to the level of density in houses of worship. "So there will be circulars and announcements later. And this, thank God, means that we can re-enact the tarawih (prayer) and we will also activate iftar activities together with of course strict and disciplined health protocols," he said.