Arkadia Digital Media Gladly Reports 40 Percent Revenue Increase in 2023
The report is a highlight of the AGMS of PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk that was held Jakarta, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
The report is a highlight of the AGMS of PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk that was held Jakarta, on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk (IDX: DIGI) is optimistic about achieving positive performance in 2023.
the 2022 Local Media Summit, organized by Suara.com in collaboration with International Media Support (IMS) at the Jakarta National Library on 27-28 October 2022 has just ended.
TheIndonesia.co - A new monetization opportunity for content creators and publishers emerges after PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk launched Clickmov.com, a video platform to help video makers disseminate information while benefiting from benefits such as monetization.
The launch coincided with the eighth anniversary of Suara.com, March 11, 2022, at the Suara.com office, Mega Kuningan area, South Jakarta. Before the launch, the event started with "Creative Tips for Creating Video Content to Get Great Income Workshop" with Lexy Rambadetta, a documentary video director and owner of the Jakartanicus channel.
Clickmov not only provides video content produced by several media under the Arkadia Digital Media group but also hosts and serves user-generated content from the public, as well as local media publishers, media partners, and video-specific content creators.
"Clickmov's presence will complement other video platforms. The difference between Clickmov and other platforms is that the broadcasted content is curated by the team, with different monetization and using different players, so it will not clash with existing platforms such as Youtube, Facebook video, TikTok, or other video platforms. This will increase the opportunity for dissemination to monetization," said PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk acting President Director Suwarjono.
Clickmov complements the platform owned by PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk that was launched last year, Yoursay.id. Yoursay is a user-generated content platform that allows content creators to showcase their works.
Since its birth, Yoursay has grown rapidly. It has 56 thousand members in a year who are mostly content creators. Hundreds of curated content are published daily producing 40 million page views per month.
Arkadia had also launched Iklandisini.com, an independent advertising service platform. The public can advertise to selected media at affordable prices and the post-advertising report service is satisfactory. Another platform launched, Serbada.com, is a news-commerce platform. The advantage of this platform is that it combines news and e-commerce by providing reviews on quality products.
Suwarjono added, video content will be the leading content in the future, so publishers must find ways to develop it. "We invite the public, content creators, as well as some media partners to join, but (the video is published) with the curation of the editorial team. This is important to maintain the quality of the show," said Jono.
In the future, Clickmov will not only display the work of users but will also provide training to improve skills. "We have planned to provide training to content creators and communities, both online and offline in their area so that it can be immediately put into practice. We will also continue to assist partners in the future," said Suwarjono.
President Commissioner of PT Arkadia Digital Media Tbk, Stephen K Sulistyo, said he was grateful that Suara.com was now 8 years old, with a very satisfactory performance and rating record both in terms of traffic performance and revenue. "I am sure that Suara.com will continue to work with high reporting standards. My hope is like that, and I thank you for your achievements so far. My prayers and all of us, may Suara.com always grow and become one of the forward for decades to come," he said.
Besides Clickmov launch, there was also a talk show titled "1001 Local Media Business Strategy" with speakers as CEO of Beritajatim.com, Lucky Lokononto; Director of Content and Business of Solopos Media Group, Suwarmin; and Chief Media Networks of PT Promedia Rahim Asik.
There was also a talk show on "Safe Investment Tips in the Digital Era" with BNI's Head of Wealth Management Div, Henny Eugenia; Chairman of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Investment Alert Task Force Tongam L Tobing; and Lecturer and Financial Content Creator Doddy Prayogo.