
Property Sector Absorbed 19 Million Workers in 2021: Ministry

Diana Mariska
Public housing illustration (Photo: Public housing illustration)
Public housing illustration (Photo: Public housing illustration) - The Ministry of Public Works and Housing has revealed that national property sector was able to absorb around 19 million workers in 2021 and became one of the few sectors in Indonesia that continued to thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Special staff in housing sector at the Ministry Iskandar Saleh said the achievement was driven by the fact that property sector and business, especially in simple house development, mainly used domestic products; therefore, they didn’t affect the state balance. Instead, the sector created millions of new job opportunities.

“Direct labor absorption in property sector in 2021 reached 19 million people,” Saleh said on Thursday, March 10, as reported by Antara.

Discussing whether the sector will make great contribution in the recovery of national economy, he said he’s optimistic that property will perform well because it remains human’s basic need, especially during the pandemic where most activities happen at home.

Saleh also explained that property sector and business create massive multiplier effect because they also involves up to 174 other industries, including service and finance. Therefore, property is able to also absorb indirect labor.

“As national economy in the third quarter of 2021 grew 5.02 percent, the contribution of property sector increased by 13.1 percent, coming from construction at 10.48 percent and real estate at 2.65 percent,” Saleh concluded.

Tag # public housing # ministry of public works and housing # property sector # property sector in indonesia # real estate # real estate in indonesia

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