JMS 2024 was Successfully Held with More Than a Hundred Participants
Jointly opening the event, Acting Governor of East Java Adhy Karyono felt that JMS 2024 was very interesting and useful, and had high hopes for the future.
Jointly opening the event, Acting Governor of East Java Adhy Karyono felt that JMS 2024 was very interesting and useful, and had high hopes for the future.
"There is still cleaning and finishing. Everything is still in good progress," President Jokowi remarked.
Jokowi affirmed that the government will continue to distribute rice to the people, depending on the capabilities of the state budget.
TheIndonesia.co - President Joko Widodo said clerics play a big and important role in promoting COVID-19 vaccine to public and easing vaccine hesitancy among Indonesians.
During his speech at the 34th congress of Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Lampung on Wednesday, December 22, the President said thanked NU clerics for supporting the government to educate the public about COVID-19 vaccine and persuade them to get the shot.
“The encouragement from clerics really had an impact on the increasing public participation in vaccination program,” Widodo said.
He also revealed that when the national vaccination program first rolled out at the start of this year, many regions were reluctant to get their vaccine stock. However, clerics from East Java called and asked for vaccine to be transported to the province.
“When AstraZeneca was first approved, many regions didn’t want to take it even though the stock was actually abundant. But then, we received call from clerics in East Java, asking for the stock to be shipped there, we agreed,” he said.
Upon the request, Widodo then visited East Java and met with the clerics. There, he said, he witnessed firsthand the big influence the clerics have in influencing public to participate in the vaccination.
“All the clerics agreed to get the vaccine. Then, one by one, other regions followed the step. This shows the role of clerics and ulamas in encouraging people to get the shot.”
In March, the Indonesian government and the East Java NU regional board (PWNU) announced that AstraZeneca vaccine is halal. Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said at the time that the safety of the vaccine had been approved, even by Islamic countries.
“All Islamic countries have announced that [AstraZeneca] vaccine is safe and halal to use. And we’ve also ensured that all vaccines available are safe and halal for Indonesians. AstraZeneca vaccine can help us reach herd immunity, so we can immediately contain COVID-19,” Sadikin said.
After announcing the halal fatwa, chairman of East Java PBNU Marzuki Mustamar said that the organization encouraged everyone to get their shot, so they could be ‘useful to others’.