
Mt Merapi in Yogyakarta Released Lava Avalanches

Arfi Bambani
Merapi launched lava avalanche as seen from Turi, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta (25/4/2021). (ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah/wsj.)
Merapi launched lava avalanche as seen from Turi, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta (25/4/2021). (ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah/wsj.) - Mount Merapi on the border of Yogyakarta province and Central Java is going active. Since two days ago, it keeps releasing lava avalanches as far as two kilometers away.

Head of the Center for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology (BPPTKG) Hanik Humaida said, during the observation period Friday, December 17, 2021, at 00.00 WIB - 06.00 WIB, Merapi activity increased again. It is indicated by the lava intensity launched from the crater.

"Lava avalanches were observed 8 times to the southwest with a maximum sliding distance of 1,800 meters," said Hanik in his written statement, Friday.

During the observation period, the visuals of the mountain were quite visible and the weather was cloudy with a weak wind blowing to the west.

"It was also observed that the low-pressure crater smoke was observed to be white with medium intensity and 100-300 meters high above the top of the crater," he said.

Not much seismic activity is happening from Mount Merapi during this period. The seismicity only comes from avalanches 34 times.

Meanwhile, when compared to the previous observation period on Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 00.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB, the emergence of hot clouds has not been observed again.

However, it was observed that the crater smoke was under low pressure, white with medium intensity, thick, and 50-500 meters high above the top of the crater. "In that period, 37 times incandescent lava was observed to the southwest with a maximum sliding distance of 2,000 meters," he said.

Some earthquakes that also occurred during that period came from the most avalanches 162 times, gusts 7 times, and distant tectonic 3 times. Hanik added that the current potential danger is lava avalanches and hot clouds in the southeast-southwest sector for a maximum of 3 km to the Woro river.

Then as far as 5 km towards the Gendol, Kuning, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and White rivers. If there is an ejection of volcanic material during an explosive eruption, it can reach a radius of 3 km from the summit.

"People should not carry out any activities in potential hazard areas," he added.

The community is also asked to be aware of the dangers of lahars, especially when it rains around Mount Merapi. Mining activities in the rivers that originate at Mount Merapi in KRB III are also recommended to be temporarily stopped.

An appeal to tourism actors not to carry out tourism activities at KRB III Mount Merapi, including climbing activities to the top under current conditions, also be announced. It should also be noted that until now, BPPTKG is still setting the status of Mount Merapi at Standby (Level III). If there is a significant change in activity, the activity status of Mount Merapi will be reviewed immediately.

Tag # merapi # disaster # volcanic eruption # yogyakarta

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