
Crowd Funding Call for Indonesian Mosque Construction in London

Arfi Bambani
London Central Mosque
London Central Mosque - Indonesians in the United Kingdom launched the Gotong Royong Waqf program to build an Indonesian mosque in the city of London, England. The mosque building is projected to cover an area of 368.5 square meters worth Rp30 billion (USD 2.1 million).

The Indonesians are part of Nahdlatul Ulama, the largest Muslims organization in Indonesia. They called themselves "Nahdliyin".

“Two decades ago, the late Kiai Royandi Abbas and several Nahdliyin clerics in England initiated the establishment of this mosque but faced several obstacles. This time, we invite together Nahdliyins around the world, and Muslim citizens everywhere, to jointly set aside funds for this Gotong Royong Waqf," said Chair of United Kingdom's Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Shandy Adiguna in a written statement on Tuesday night, December 14, 2021.

This program is a collaboration of the United Kingdom's Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom, the Indonesian Embassy in London, and Indonesia Islamic Centre London. This program also collaborates with several institutions, including Kitabisa, Istiqlal Mosque, and Gusdurian Peduli.

Nahdlatul Ulama invites many parties to collaborate to establish an Indonesian mosque in London. “In principle, we want to present Islam that is rahmatan lil alamin (a mercy to all creation) in London, England. The city of London is the center of civilization, government, economy, and international politics in Europe, so this is an important mission for all of us," he said.

Yayah Indra, Head of UK's Nahdlatul Ulama Muslim Women, said that Muslim women around the world are ready to work together to make this program a success. “Alhamdulillah, some time ago we held an agenda which was attended by the General Chairperson of Muslimat Mrs. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa; Indonesian Ambassador in London, Dr. Desra Percaya; and Dr. KH. Faqih Abdul Kodir."

Secretary of UK's Nahdlatul Ulama, Munawir Aziz, said this project is a humanitarian jihad and a way of da'wah for nahdliyin around the world. Up to now, they have collected funds for Rp 18 billion. For people who want to participate, they can contribute to Gotong Royong Waqf through BNI Bank with account number: 0863842139. Put a piece of information "for the construction of a mosque in London".

Tag # mosque # muslim # islam # islam in uk # uk # london # diversity

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