
30 Companies in IPO Pipeline: IDX

Arfi Bambani

IDX Director of Corporate Valuation I Gede Nyoman Yetna
IDX Director of Corporate Valuation I Gede Nyoman Yetna - The Indonesia Stock Exchange noted 30 companies in the pipeline list for listing shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Fourteen of them have assets of more than IDR 250 billion or are categorized as large companies.

IDX Director of Corporate Valuation I Gede Nyoman Yetna explained that based on the company's asset classification, 4 companies are categorized as small-scale assets with assets under IDR 50 billion and 12 medium-scale asset companies, assets between IDR 50 billion to IDR 250 billion.

"Then, 14 companies with large-scale assets or above Rp250 billion," said Nyoman, Friday, December 3, 2021.

The details are two companies from the basic materials sector; 3 companies from the industrials sector; 1 company from the transportation & logistics sector; 6 companies from the consumer non-cyclical sector; 8 companies from the consumer cyclical sector; 2 companies from the technology sector; 3 companies from the energy sector; 1 company from the financials sector; 2 companies from the property & real estate sector, and 2 companies from the infrastructures sector.

Nyoman revealed that based on IDX records as of December 2, 2021, the total fundraising that had been raised from the initial public offering of shares, bonds, Sukuk, and rights issues was IDR 306.1 trillion, which consisted of listing shares of IDR 51.6 trillion, bonds listing and Sukuk of IDR 91.30 trillion and rights issue of IDR 163.18 trillion.

"We estimate that the total fundraising will continue to increase considering that there are still queues of companies in the stock, bond, and Sukuk listing pipeline as well as the rights issue pipeline," he said.

Tag # idx # stock exchange # stock # business # ipo # initial public offering

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