
Jellyfish Venom Can Cure Breast Cancer: a Research

Arfi Bambani
The mysterious red jellyfish, genus poralia
The mysterious red jellyfish, genus poralia - Students of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta conducted a study on the protein content of jellyfish venom that can be used as a breast cancer inhibitor.

The five UGM students consisted of Aden Arrafif Bahtiarsyah, Muhamad Rafli, Sylvia, and Khintan Maulin Biology 2018), and Rachmat Febriansyah Pharmacy, 2019).

"Details of the general content in the form of crude venom are 'phospholipase A2', and 'metalloprotease' which function well in defense to reduce breast cancer cell migration," said Aden Arrafit Bahtiarsyah as team leader quoted from UGM's official website, Thursday, December 2, 2021.

Jellyfish contains protein, vitamins, and minerals. Jellyfish also contain another important substance called venom protein from nematocyst cells which have the potential for cancer treatment. Jellyfish venom, he said, consists of various peptides, enzymes, neurotoxins, cytolysis, and hemolysins.

"The jellyfish venom is proven to contain antimicrobial, anti-oxidative, anticoagulant, antitumor, and cytotoxic compounds," he said.

Sylvia added these receptors need computer testing. In this study, the venom protein from jellyfish was tethered with ER-α and observed in silico interactions.

"The bioactivity of this jellyfish venom protein is useful as an immunostimulator, anticoagulant, pain reliever, and antihypertensive, but is also functionally useful in controlling cancer," she explained.

Khintan Maulin said jellyfish is one of the living creatures (Animalia) with abundant numbers which habitat in almost all Indonesian waters. They have simple shapes such as umbrellas and tentacles.

The uniqueness and abundance of jellyfish, he said, became an attraction for researchers in the field of marine biology.

In addition, jellyfish have a high enough bioprospection value in extracting information to be used in various fields such as industry, food, and health.

"Unique parts such as marginal filaments are believed by several previous studies to have good content in inhibiting cancer migration, where there are venom proteins that are efficacious and beneficial," said Khintan.

Tag # cancer # biodiversity # drug # research # science # ugm

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