
Cyber Building, Home to IDX Data Center Catches Fire

Diana Mariska
Personnel tried to extinguish fire in Cyber Building in Kuningan, Jakarta on Thursday, December 02.
Personnel tried to extinguish fire in Cyber Building in Kuningan, Jakarta on Thursday, December 02. - Fire broke out in Cyber Building in West Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Thursday. According to reports, the fire began at 12.25 p.m. local time.

The building is home to Indonesia Stock Exchange’s data center. But the director of trading and membership at IDX Laksono Widodo confirmed that, generally, operational and trade activities are currently running normally. However, he said two brokers are impacted by the fire.

“There are two brokers who are disrupted by this and another who’s self-suspend. The rest runs normally,” Widodo said.

In a release, IDX also confirmed the incident and reported that the fire began at 12.25 Western Indonesian Time.

Meanwhile, spokesperson for Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency Mulat Wijayanto said the fire blazed on the second floor of the building. Four fire trucks and 14 personnel were initially deployed, but he said the Agency sent other 22 units. At least 100 personnel are currently working to extinguish the fire.

He also revealed that two people are still in the building and require evacuation, while the source of fire is still unknown.

Tag # incident # fire # indonesia stock exchange # idx # bei # data center

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