
86 Million Indonesian Citizens Have Been Double Jabbed

Diana Mariska
Student Vaccination in SMA 4 Makassar in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Student Vaccination in SMA 4 Makassar in Makassar, South Sulawesi. - The COVID-19 Task Force reported on Wednesday that more than 86 million of citizens have received the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Meanwhile, the partially vaccinated are currently at 132 million.

According to data released by the Task Force, 909,032 more people have been double-jabbed as of Wednesday, bringing the accumulated figure to exceed 86.28 million. The government has also given the third dose of vaccine to nearly 1.2 million people.

Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said vaccination will remain a priority for the government. In particular, he said the government puts extra focus on vaccinating the elderly as they are vulnerable and have more risk of infection. Therefore, he appreciated the opening of many vaccination centers, including those initiated by private sectors, which helps the national vaccine acceleration.

“Let’s not forget that vaccine is crucial to protect us, particularly the elderlies. If your older relatives are not vaccinated, bring them to the health facilities or vaccination centers,” Minister Sadikin said in a statement on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

According to the Ministry of Health, older adults are 60 percent more likely to be infected compared to children. In fact, they are the age group that dominates hospitalization during the pandemic.

In addition to opening more vaccine centers across the country, Sadikin urged citizens to help educate their older family members on the importance of vaccines and being vaccinated.

As of November 17, 2021, the Task Force reported 522 new COVID-19 cases, with West Java recording the highest number with 160 cases.

13 new deaths were also reported, and the accumulated figure is now at 143,698 deaths.

Tag # covid19 # vaccine # vaccination # health # ministry of health # vaccine # covid19 vaccine

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