Fatahillah Museum, A Place To Learn Jakarta's Past History
This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, and later of the Dutch Government.
This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, and later of the Dutch Government.
is the day when the policewoman division in Indonesia was first established, September 1st, 1948.
A container truck crashed into a roadside tower and hit other road users.
Saung Angklung Udjo was built with the purpose and dedication of conserving West Javas Sundanese traditional art and culture.
Indonesia has gone through a lot of struggles to gain its independence.Let's reminisce about the moment by visiting some of the historical places in Indonesia!
he beaches, the mountainous areas, and the lush forests are the highlights that make this destination special.
Check the video to see the 5 places in Bali to fulfill your natural beauty needs!
Indonesian President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana picked up their fifth newborn grandchild at Pondok Indah Hospital Jakarta
Monika Nike Adiba or popularly known as Keke Adiba represented Indonesia in the Karaoke World Championship 2022.
The Indonesian National Police's Code of Ethics Commission session decided that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was proven to have violated the Police's code of ethics.
Its a day to recognize the important work done by the housing partners across Indonesia to improve access to housing for everyone.
Rendang is a delicacy from West Sumatra, Indonesia, which has been recognized abroad.
Many old buildings are the silent witnesses of Indonesia's journey.
If you are looking for an excellent summer holiday, it is best for you to visit Bali in Indonesia.
Prince Diponegoro is a famous figure in Indonesia's history of independence.
It was held in The Hague from August 23 to November 2, 1949.
Stretching at the eastern tip of South Sulawesi, Lake Matano with its blue and calm water surface is the deepest lake in Indonesia.
Belitung regency government is offering island hopping activity for G20 delegations that will attend the Development Ministerial Meeting on the island fromSeptember7-9, 2022.
Visitors who have an eager interest in volcanic activities must come to the park and witness the smoke of ashes coming from Mount Semeru.
International Orangutan Day has been established to encourage communities to take action to conserve this species.