Philippines President Bongbong Marcos Visits Indonesia
"I was assigned to welcome Mr. President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos JR. His visit is certainly an honor for Indonesia," said Minister of Communications and Information Johnny Plate.
"I was assigned to welcome Mr. President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos JR. His visit is certainly an honor for Indonesia," said Minister of Communications and Information Johnny Plate.
"I encourage other big brands to follow Daikin's movement to immediately have production facilities in Indonesia, both to meet the needs of the domestic and export markets," said the Minister of Industry.
BKSDA is investigating the death of a male Sumatran elephant in a rubber plantation located in Suo-suo village in Tebo regency, Jambi.
For hajj pilgrimage this year, Indonesia got quota of 100,051.
"These detector robots can later be used for security in G20 summit in Bali."
The majority of tourists in July were from Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.
The state officials saw an opportunity to develop cable car in new capital Nusantara.
The President noted that it is important for national mining industry to catch up on digitalization.
The police has named six suspects accused of obstructing justice in the murder case of Brigadier J.
The victims were taken to Ananda Hospital and Bekasi Regional Public Hospital (RSUD).
Traditional fishermen decided to force the five fishing vessels to leave the waters because they used trawl nets.
Waste-contaminated water from nearby river flooded the farming area during rainy days.
Entering the crime scene during the reconstruction traumatized the suspect.
They are set to be destroyed immediately.
There are limits to how far the East Asian country will go to provide support (in any form) for Indonesia in the long-standing territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea
The Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Johor Bahru confirmed that it had rescued seven Indonesian seafarers who were adrift at Malaysian waters for two days.
(PPLN) dispersed a protest organized by hundreds of asylum seekers in front of the office of Batam mayor on Tuesday, August 30.
They would be shipped on a speedboat through the eastern coast of Sumatra to Singapore.
IB (35), local fisher from Bagan Deli, Belawan subdistrict, Medan, was arrested by authorities after he was found to be carrying the protected wildlife without any required permits.
PT Putera Maga Naditama (PMN) is allegedly operating without having conducting environmental impact assessment (AMDAL) and obtaining environmental permit.