45 BRIN's Research in 2022, from New Food Sources to Jakarta Fault
The funding recipients include Himmah Rustiami from the Center for Biosystematics Research and the Evolution of Environmental and Biological Research Organization at BRIN.
The funding recipients include Himmah Rustiami from the Center for Biosystematics Research and the Evolution of Environmental and Biological Research Organization at BRIN.
The problem started with the many unlicensed floating fish cages that caused various bad effects in the lake. The remaining feed and feces from millions of tons of fish in the cages make the lake water cloudy and settle at the bottom of the lake.
In addition to more frequent flood, locals also experience rapid river overflow, increasing rainfall intensity, and changing water acidity.
"People who are fully vaccinated and have MotoGP tickets can stay at KM Kelud."
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. It stretches along the equator, over one-eighth of the earth's circumference.
Campground is also an alternative made by the government as homestays and conventional hotels are limited in number.
From Surabaya, Benoa, and Tanjung Wangi ports. Meanwhile, the distance from the terminal to the circuit is about 50 km
Four ministers and two governors signed an MOU. Borobudur is not only used as a place of worship for Buddhists but also to be visited and used by people of other religions.
The temples are expected to have more and better function as places of worship, which is in accordance to their initial construction purpose.
A fund of Rp1.13 trillion ($80 million) was allocated by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono for the renovation of TMII
Jabodebek Light Rail Transit, which is targeted to operate in August 2022, is planned to operate every day from 05.45 WIB to 23.00 WIB. Here's a few information you need to know about this mode of transportation.
Trunyan is a mysterious village that offers a unique burial tradition as a scary tour. It sounds strange but this place attracts a lot of interest from both domestic and foreign tourists.
The Association of National Olympic Committees visited Manado last Sunday. Bali and Bintan are other options.
Sate or Satay is one of the Indonesian foods that have many varieties. There is chicken satay, lamb satay, sate lilit, sate Padang, and sate kere. Sate Kere is a favorite food of President Jokowi which has a long history
Hot air balloon tourism is now present in Indonesia and is a favorite of travelers. A new way to enjoy the view from a height, hot air balloons are in Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, and East Java.
TransNusa operates Airbus and Comac only. the Chinese-made Comac ARJ21 aircraft purchased by Indonesia would only serve the NTT region such as Labuan Bajo, Maumere, and also Tambolaka in Southwest Sumba
A village in Gorontalo collaborates with Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park Center to set up the Ilomata River Camp special interest tourist attraction.
In an area of 210 acres, the garden collected 191 tribes, 933 genera, 5,981 collection numbers, and 10,857 specimens.
Of course, Bali is at the top. Agoda sees emerging destination trends in different countries as travelers continue to travel domestically and explore their own 'backyard'
Foodies can enjoy grilled signature burgers, marbled steaks, tender brisket, and ribs smoked for up to 14 hours and try a range of cocktails, wines, craft beers, and extensive spirit collections focusing on fine whiskies and bourbons.