
How to Create A New Website for Free, Beginner's Guide!

Aulia Hafisa
Website illustration (Pixabay)
Website illustration (Pixabay) - Having a website is very important in this digital era. It can be used for many purposes, such as personal branding and selling promotion. You might think that creating a website is very hard because it requires programming and coding. However, you can create it by yourself. So, how to create a new website?

For those of you who don't know how to program a website, you can make it on your own because it is free and most importantly easy. One way is to use WordPress, a service that has been widely used.

Not only for creating blogs, you can also make them for websites and even online stores. WordPress is also available for free to use. Most web hosting has provided an installer to use WordPress.

WordPress services are now available to build your own website as a framework and are available on various types of hosting. Before starting a new website, get to know what kind of domain and hosting you are using. Unlike WordPress, both are not available for free.

Illustration of website (Shutterstock)
Illustration of website (Shutterstock)

A domain is the address of the website that you want to build. For example,, you can choose from .com or .id and many others. While hosting is where you store your website or server. Domain and hosting are rented which must be paid.

Here's how to create your website

  1. Login to your hosting management panel, which generally uses cPanel. Generally via,
  2. After entering the username and password,
  3. Enter the Installer menu, or generally Softaculous Apps Installer,
  4. Then select WordPress, then install
  5. Fill in the required information form for your website,
  6. Including the contents of the username and password to enter the WordPress admin, as well as the WordPress Dashboard address
  7. Click the install button below, and instantly your website is available using WordPress
  8. Log out of your website's cPanel, then log in to the WordPress Dashboard. Generally via then log in with the WordPress username and password
  9. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, this is where you choose a display theme. If you want to add a new one, click Add New, find the appropriate theme,
  10. There are many free WordPress themes to use. Choose the one according to your wishes
  11. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus to set any menus on your website
  12. Go to Dashboard > Posts > Add New to start posting on your new website
  13. Congratulations, you can easily create your own website

Frameworks other than WordPress

It's widely used, but that doesn't mean WordPress is the only framework that can be used to create free websites.

There are Joomla!, Ghost, Textpattern, Tiki Wiki, WebsiteBaker, Jekyll, CMS Made Simple, Serendipity, Grav, Craft CMS, Statamic, ExpressionEngine, Subrion, Shopify, and Drupal which can also be used.

Tag # how to create website # how to create a website # website # wordpress # technology

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