What Are Seven Deadly Sins? Here Are The Lists of the Capital Sins

TheIndonesia.co - Seven deadly sins also called the capital sins, in Roman Catholic theology, are the seven vices that spur other sins and immoral behavior. It was enumerated by Pope George 1 in the 6th century and elaborated by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Quoting Christianity.com, sin is "an offense against the religious or moral law" and a "transgression of the law of God." Sin has three aspects in the biblical terminology; disobedience to or breach of the law, violation of relationship with people, and rebellion against God, which is the most basic concept.
What are the seven deadly sins?
The seven deadly sins are first enumerated by Pope George 1 (the Great)in the 6th century and elaborated by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Here are the seven deadly sins.
1. Vainglory, or pride
Pride is defined as the quality or state of being proud such as inordinate self-esteem, or conceit.
2. Greed, or covetousness

Greed is a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed (material goods)
3. Lust, or illicit sexual desire
Lust is defined as an intense or unbridled sexual desire, lasciviousness.
4. Envy
It is a painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another, joined with a desire to possess the same advantage.
5. Gluttony
It is usually understood to include drunkenness or excessive indulgence.
6. Wrath, or anger
Wrath is defined as strong vengeful anger or indignation.
7. Sloth
It is defined as disinclination to action or labor, spiritual apathy, and inactivity.
The seven deadly sins can be thought of as dispositions toward sin and separation from God. For example, lust could result in adultery which is a mortal sin, or could lead to other immoral thoughts that are classified as venial sins. The seven deadly sins were a very popular theme in the art, literature, and morality plays of the Middle Ages in Europe.