
What Is CrossFit? Benefit and Basic Movements

Aulia Hafisa
Illustration of CrossFit (Leon Ardho/Pexels)
Illustration of CrossFit (Leon Ardho/Pexels) - You might have been hearing CrossFit as one of the health exercises. CrossFit is a type of exercise with a variety of functional movements at a constant high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements that reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, walking, rowing, and much more. 

The journal of Workplace Health and Safety states that CrossFit exercises can increase strength and muscle endurance. Besides, CrossFit is also very effective to loosen weight. 

Despite the great benefits, this exercise also carries the same high risk of injury as any other high-intensity exercise.

The basic movement of CrossFit 

CrossFit workouts combine a variety of high-intensity exercises that you do in a circuit training format, in which you alternate movements quickly with little rest in between. The movement also involves the whole body, including pushing, pulling, walking, rowing, and squatting.

Crossfit illustration (Victor Freitas/Pexels)
Crossfit illustration (Victor Freitas/Pexels)

Movement in CrossFit is usually a variation of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. This exercise also often uses gym equipment, such as kettlebells, medicine balls, climbing ropes, jump ropes, and rowing machines.

Besides, there are hundreds of different types of CrossFit workouts you can do. However, some of the most common and fundamental are as mentioned below. 

1. Power clean

Power clean is the move of lifting the barbell off the floor, then bringing and holding the weight in front of your shoulders using strength and speed.

2. Burpees

It is the movement of a bodyweight exercise that starts in a standing position, then drops quickly to the floor and does push-ups. Then return to standing into a squat position and jump straight up explosively.

3. Snatches

It is an exercise to quickly lift a barbell from the floor directly over your head with your arms clasped straight out.

4. Thrusters

Exercise with the starting position standing straight holding a barbell in front of your shoulders. Then squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then return to standing by lifting the barbell over your head.

5. Air squats

Bodyweight exercises with the starting position of the body standing, then squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. When squatting, your heels should touch the floor and your knees should be in line with your toes. Extend your arms forward to maintain balance.

6. Push jerks

Exercise with the starting position standing straight by holding the barbell in front of the shoulders. In one stroke, lift the barbell above your head with your arms and legs straight.

7. Deadlifts

Exercise to lift a barbell almost to hip height with your arms straight down. Work on the knees and buttocks, and keep your back straight.

Tag # crossfit # what is crossfit # movement of crossfit # crossfit exercise # crossfit work out # crossfit movement # work out # health

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