When Did Elvis Presley Die? Inside The Death Mystery of The King of Rock

TheIndonesia.co - Elvis Presley, a legendary singer and movie star died 40 years ago, and many people question his death. He was dead on August 16, 1977. The death of the rockstar at the age of 42 shocked the music industry and left millions of fans around the world in pain.
In the days of his funeral, speculation arose among a small group of skeptics that Elvis was dead, despite the clear statements from doctors that his death was caused by cardiac arrest. Some people insist the baritone singer faked his death to hide.
In 1989, three Elvis fans created The Elvis Sighting Society to monitor this event. Some even claim Elvis appeared in a supporting role in the 1990 film Home Alone.
Here are some of the conspiracy theories surrounding Elvis Presley's death.
One of the biggest theories stated that Elvis faked his death for escaping the mafia.
Gail Brewer-Georgio, author of the best-selling book Is Elvis Alive, in 1988, pored over thousands of FBI documents and came to the conclusion that Elvis was an American hero who should go into witness protection.
Brewer-Georgio said the FBI asked Elvis to impersonate an agent in 1976 to help agents infiltrate a criminal organization called "The Fraternity" which consisted of dozens of extortionists.
Elvis volunteered, driven by his love of America and respect for the FBI, Brewer-Giorgio said. He said that the agent approached Elvis because members of The Fraternity had an agreement with Elvis about selling Elvis's planes.
But when Elvis was caught, he was put in a witness protection program, Brewer-Giorgio said.
It cited what it said was evidence from FBI documents and interviews. "Elvis faked his death because he was going to be killed and there was no doubt about it."
The FBI did not immediately comment on the decades-old claims that Brewer-Giorgio claimed through his book. There is no mention of Elvis assisting the FBI in the more than 760 files federal agents have released relating to Elvis between 1956 and 1980.
The FBI never investigated Elvis, but a folder in his name was created because he had been the target of several extortion attempts by FBI agents.
The released documents outline the extortion case and they also show Elvis' admiration for the FBI. During Elvis' gig at FBI headquarters in 1971, the musician "spoke well" to the bureau and offered "his services in any way possible," according to an FBI memo.
Elvis Presley experts said the documents had no evidence to suggest that Elvis was still alive.
Skeptics say that Elvis's middle name is intentionally misspelled, Aaron not Aron, on his gravestone because mentioning his real name must have been taboo since he was alive.
Additionally, Lisa Marie, daughter of Elvis and Priscilla, avoided Larry King's question during a 2003 interview when the show's host asked if she had ever experienced "communication" with her father.