
How to Solve a Rubik's Cube for Beginners, Anyone Can Do It!

Aulia Hafisa
Rubik's cube illustration (Pixabay/Pexels)
Rubik's cube illustration (Pixabay/Pexels) - Solving Rubik's is very impressive because not everyone could play this tricky game. However, solving Rubik's is actually doable if you learn the basics of the formula. 

Rubik's is a fun game to play during your break after a long day of work. This colorful cube-shaped game is also easy to carry because of its small size. Moreover, the price is also cheap.

Rubik is a brain-sharpening game that was first created by a Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture named Erno Rubik in 1978.

Basic Names on Rubik

The first way to play Rubik's Cube is to understand the basic names. The 3×3 Rubik's cube consists of 27 small parts that are connected to each other on an axis. Rubik's has 6 sides, and each side has a different color.

Each part of this Rubik's has its name, which is useful as a way to play Rubik's.

1. Center: the center part of the Rubik's cube is patent, and it cannot be moved.

2. Edge: the middle on the side of the cube.

3. Corner: the ends of each Rubik's Cube part.

4. Layer: Divided into 3 sides, starting from the bottom is Layer 1 then layer 2, and finally Layer 3.

Basic Rubik's Move

The basis of this movement will later be used in the application of the formula. You don't need to memorize it, you can even make up your own terms about the steps that need to be followed.

The following are the basic movements as a guide for how to play Rubik's:

1. R (Right): rotate the Rubik's right side clockwise

2. R '(R accent): rotate the left side of the cube counterclockwise

3. L (Left): rotate the Rubik's right side clockwise

4. L' (L accent): rotate the left side of the Rubik's cube counterclockwise

5. U (Up): rotate the top side of the Rubik's clockwise

6. U '(U accent): rotate the top side of the Rubik counter clockwise

7. D (Down): rotate the Rubik's bottom side clockwise

8. D '(D accent): rotate the Rubik's bottom side counterclockwise

9. F (Front): rotate the front side of the cube clockwise

10. F' (F accent): rotate the front side of the Rubik's cube counterclockwise

11. f (small F): rotate the front side of the 2 layers of the Rubik clockwise

12. f' (small F accent): rotate the front side of the 2 layers of the Rubik's cube counterclockwise

13. B (Back): rotate the back side of the Rubik's clockwise

14. B' (B accent): rotate the back side of the Rubik's cube counterclockwise.

The formula for how to play Rubik

Rubik's cube illustration (Juan Pablo/Pexels)
Rubik's cube illustration (Juan Pablo/Pexels)

Here's the formula for how to play Rubik that you can follow:

1. Focus on one color. Because it is impossible to match several colors at once with just a few turns. You have to focus on one color first. For example, the standard color is red.

2. Form a red Cross with a yellow Center. The cross here is a pattern similar to the “+” symbol.

3. Forms a perfect red cross. Match the color of the top layer (edge) next to the red box with the center.

4. Enhance the main side. This is indeed quite complicated, but you can use the algorithmic formulas L'U'L and R U R'.

5. Enhance the second side. Focus again on one side like white then look for a white edge and center, then rotate it towards the white layer until a white "T" pattern is formed. Then use the algorithm formula U R U' R' or U' L' UL to complete the second layer.

6. Perfect the third side, namely forming a cross in yellow. Rotate the adjacent edge with the notation F R U R' U' F'. For opposite edges use the notation f R U R' U' f'. After the yellow side is formed, rotate the corner with the formula R U R' U R U U R'.

7. Enhance the fourth side. After the yellow side is perfectly formed, then finish the other sides that still have misaligned edge colors. The formula that can be used is R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'. And add the formula R U' R U R U R U' R' U' R2 if there are parts that are not perfect.

8. Perfect all sides. If there are edges and corners that are different colors, then you can finish the game with the formula R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U' R'. Good luck.

Tag # how to solve a rubik's cube # solving rubik's # rubik's cube # rubik # rubik's formula # beginner

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