
Why Do I Keep Having Headaches? Causes and Treatments

Aulia Hafisa
Headaches Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)
Headaches Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

TheIndonesia.co - Headaches are one of the most common health problems we experience. It can be short-term or long-term, depending on the cause.

There are many types of headaches. Some headaches cause throbbing, and some cause severe, stabbing pain. Some headaches feel like a tingling sensation.

Types of headaches are also distinguished based on the location of the pain. While some headaches can be relieved safely with over-the-counter headache medications, there are types of headaches that require immediate medical attention. 

Types of headaches, their causes, and how to treat them.

1. Migraines

Quoting Okadoc, migraines are probably the most common type. You will feel severe throbbing pain in the head and temples, intense pain around the ears, mottled vision, and vomiting.

There are 2 types of migraines, migraine with aura and migraine without aura. Auras are described as visual abnormalities such as freckles, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light. Auras usually appear a day or two before a migraine strikes.

The causes of migraines have not been concluded by medical research. However, it is related to emotional anxiety, menstruation, contraception, or alcohol.

Usually, migraines can be managed with over-the-counter headache medications and painkillers. However, if the pain persists, you need to see a doctor.

2. Tension Headaches

While migraines are frequently associated with stabbing and throbbing pain, tension headaches are characterized by dull, tight pain around the scalp. Usually, it occurs on the forehead and back of the skull or neck.

The causes of tension headaches vary, which are stress, depression, and head injuries. Constant sleep deprivation can also cause tension headaches. Research shows that tension headaches are most common in teenagers and young adults.

There are two types of tension headaches, episodic tension headaches; usually last 30 minutes to 1 hour and occur more than 15 days a month. Then, there are chronic tension headaches; which last for hours and occur more than 15 days a month

Episodic tension headaches can be managed by lying down, resting, and taking painkillers. However, chronic tension headaches usually require medical treatment because they can interfere with your activities.

Headaches Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)
Headaches Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

3. Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are considered to be one of the most painful headaches. Symptoms include excruciating pain on one side of the head or eye. It can last from weeks to months, with periods of completely painless remission. Each episode of cluster headaches usually lasts about 15 - 30 minutes.

Although painful, according to research, cluster headaches are a non-life-threatening condition.

4. Sinus Headache

Identifying a sinus headache is fairly easy. Sinus headaches are a type of headache caused by allergies in which mucus builds up and blocks the tubes that drain it. In addition, sinus headaches can also be associated with migraines.

When you have a sinus headache, you can usually feel pressure in your forehead, eyes, cheekbones, and the T-bridge between your forehead and nose.

Treatment of sinus headaches involving allergic reactions is oral antihistamine medication. However, if the pain persists for a long time, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.

5. Sports Headaches

As the name suggests, exercise headaches are only triggered by physical activity. This can range from light physical activity to strenuous activity. Exercise headaches usually last from a few minutes to several days, and are often described as a throbbing pain on both sides of the head.

An analysis explains that headaches during exercise may be caused by constriction of blood vessels due to strenuous exercise. However, sports headaches can also be triggered by underlying health conditions including tumors. Seek medical attention if pain persists and lasts for weeks.

Tag # headaches # types of headaches # what causes headaches # migraines # headaches treatment

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