
How To Deactivate Your Instagram Account, An Easy Way Tutorial

Aulia Hafisa
Instagram Illustration (Solenfeyissa/Pixabay)
Instagram Illustration (Solenfeyissa/Pixabay) - If you want to take a break from Instagram, you can deactivate this social media, either temporarily or permanently. Deactivating Instagram means you are disabling your Instagram account, along with its photos, videos, comments, and likes, until you reactivate it.

Deactivating Instagram is a good way for you to escape from any problems and toxicity there. Otherwise, you can simply just mute your friends if that's the main reason for disabling the account.

There are two types of deactivating Instagram; temporarily and permanently. Here are the steps to deactivate your Instagram account.

Temporarily Deactivate your Instagram Account

Step 1

Go to on your web browser.

Step 2

Log in to your Instagram account. Insert your username or email, then followed the password.

Step 3

Click on your profile picture in the top-right part of your browser. Then click the 'profile' option.

Step 4

Click on the 'edit profile' button at the top of the page.

Step 5

Scroll down to the bottom part, find 'Temporarily deactivate my account', and click the button.

Step 6

Instagram will ask you why you deactivate your Instagram account. Scroll down the option, and find the reason matching yours. Then, enter your password.

Step 7

To complete the process, click 'Temporarily deactivate account', followed by the 'Yes' button. 

By clicking the 'Yes' confirmation, your Instagram account should be temporarily deactivated. To activate your Instagram account, you can simply log back in using the website.


As for a note, the entire process can only work using a web browser on a PC. Instagram can let users deactivate their Instagram through mobile apps, but limited to iOS users at this time. So, if you are not an iOS user, you can deactivate your Instagram account by following these steps.

Click your profile picture on the bottom-right side > Click the three horizontal lines menu icon on the top-right side > Select settings > Account > Delete account > Deactivate account.

Instagram Illustration (Solen Feyissa/Unsplash)
Instagram Illustration (Solen Feyissa/Unsplash)

How to Deactivate Your Instagram Account Permanently

If you know that you won't be coming back to Instagram, you can deactivate your Instagram account. However, this means you will delete your Instagram account, along with its pictures, videos, likes, and comments. 

Foremost, there is no other way for you to come back again to your Instagram account. Additionally, you won't be able to use your Instagram username again if it is taken by the other account. 

If you are really certain to deactivate your Instagram account, here are the steps.

Step 1

Visit The Instagram Delete Your Account page. Log in to your account by filling in the username and password.

Step 2

Next answer the question Why do you want to delete your account. Answer it by dropping down the options in the box.

Step 3

Enter your Instagram password to confirm

Step 4

Click delete (Your Username)

By clicking the delete button, you are officially sending the deletion request to Instagram. After 30 days, Instagram will officially delete your Instagram account. Instagram notes that it might take time up to 90 days for the process to complete.


The following steps can only be done on a PC with a web browser. However, you can also do these steps on iOS. Here are the steps.

Click your profile picture on the bottom-right side > Click the three horizontal lines menu icon on the top-right side > Select settings > Account > Delete account > Delete account > Continue deleting account > Answer the on-screen prompts > Select the Delete (your username) > OK. 

Tag # how to deactivate your instagram # deactivate instagram # instagram tutorial # delete instagram # instagram # social media # technology

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