Meratus Geopark Prepares to Become a UNESCO Global Geopark
The Meratus Mountains, which are almost 200 million years old, have a complex geological history. This area has been designated as a national geopark in 2018.
The Meratus Mountains, which are almost 200 million years old, have a complex geological history. This area has been designated as a national geopark in 2018.
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TheIndonesia.co - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Number 18 of 2022 establishes a marine conservation area in the Eastern Territory of Bintan Island, Riau Island Province, with a total area of 138,561.42 hectares.
"The establishment of a conservation area in the eastern region of Bintan Island to support fish catches in the State Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI) 711, which is included in the fishing zone for an industry where the number of catches is limited based on a catch quota," said the Director General of Marine Spatial Management of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Victor Gustaaf Manoppo in release in Jakarta, Monday, April 25, 2022.
Manoppo explained, that the principle of conservation areas is the spillover effect, where in protected areas, fish stocks will grow well and the overflow from this growth will flow to areas outside the area which can then be utilized sustainably without compromising the source of growth in a protected area. He explained that the benefits of conservation areas will be felt in real terms if they are managed properly and the water quality is maintained.
In addition, he said, effectively managed conservation areas will be able to support fish catches outside the conservation area and reduce overfishing pressure and maintain fish populations. "Therefore, we expect commitment from the Regional Government, in this case, the Riau Islands Province Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service as the manager of regional conservation areas so that they can carry out sustainable management by involving various parties and cannot be separated from maintaining the quality of the area," said Manoppo.
He believes that a conservation area established in the waters of the eastern region of Bintan Island will protect, preserve and utilize marine biodiversity including coral reef ecosystems, seagrass beds, and fish breeding habitats.
Meanwhile, Director of Conservation and Marine Biodiversity (KKHL) Andi Rusandi revealed that the waters in the eastern region of Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago Province have unique natural phenomena, natural uniqueness, high attractiveness, and a great opportunity to support the development of sustainable marine tourism.
"Based on the uniqueness of the area, the conservation area in the eastern region of Bintan Island is managed as an aquatic park designated for the protection, preservation, and utilization of biodiversity and/or fish resources," said Andi.
Until 2021, KKP has established 79 conservation areas, with a total area of 13.93 million hectares. Furthermore, in 2022, KKP targets the establishment of conservation areas of 2 million hectares. The locations of the areas to be determined are in 19 provinces, namely West Java, West Sumatra, Maluku, North Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Special Region Yogyakarta, West Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, Riau, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung Islands, East Nusa Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and West Papua.
The conservation area's designation is in line with global commitments in the Convention on Biological Diversity (Aichi Target 11) and Sustainable Development Goals 14. Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, said it was necessary to encourage and prioritize the sustainability of marine ecology along with optimal use of the sea from both economic and socio-cultural aspects. Thus, continued Trenggono, not only the current generation can benefit from marine and fishery resources, but also future generations.