
President's Dream for Taman Mini as the Ultimate Showcase of Indonesia

Arfi Bambani
Keong Mas Theater at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Keong Mas Theater at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah - President Director of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney, Dony Oskaria, said that the restoration of the buildings in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah such as museums and platforms was carried out to restore their attractiveness.

"Repairs of the Keong Mas, improvements to the museums, and of course the platforms are returned to make them extraordinary attractions," said Dony in a webinar, Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

Dony explained that the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah repairing process is in progress. In the early stages, improvements were made to the Archipelago Lake area which shows the Indonesian archipelago when viewed from the air. The beauty of the lake can be seen clearly when riding the cable car, one of the attractions at TMII.

"What we see is the (Indonesian) archipelago, it will be made very good," he continued.

Improvements were also made at Sasono Langen Budoyo, which according to Dony, the beautiful elements in it will be restored through renovation.

TMII area rejuvenation has been started since January 2022. A fund of Rp1.13 trillion ($80 million) was allocated by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono for the renovation of TMII, including the handling of the TMII area road, structuring the main gate area, renovation of the joglo (Sasono Utomo, Sasono Langen Budoyo, Sasono Adiguno), and museum renovation.

Then rearrange the landscape of the islands in Archipelago Lake, renovation of the Garuda Theater Museum, Telkom Museum, and Keong Mas, Parking Structure (elevated), and Revitalization of Archipelago Lake.

TMII renovation is part of a special assignment given by President Joko Widodo to the Ministry of PUPR to carry out infrastructure development with a total planned budget requirement of IDR 2.7 trillion. This revitalization will make TMII the Ultimate Showcase of Indonesia, carrying a concept that represents the diversity and richness of provinces and Indonesian culture in a modern and inspiring way.

Tag # taman mini # taman mini indonesia indah # injourney # indonesia # tourism

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