
Learn History in These Destinations in Surabaya

Diana Mariska
Sepuluh November (10th November) Museum in Surabaya. (Photo: Himawan)
Sepuluh November (10th November) Museum in Surabaya. (Photo: Himawan) - Surabaya, a city of heroes. In the past, many historical events that led up to Indonesia’s independence happened in the East Java’s capital. So, it seems only proper to visit tourist attractions in Surabaya that will offer deeper and closer looks into the country’s past.

Heroes Monument

It’s not a city of heroes if it doesn’t have monument of heroes. The 41.15 meter monument has 11 curves and 11 branches, and the installation was built to commemorate the Battle of Surabaya in November 10, 1945, in which Indonesians fought back against the Dutch colonial rule.

Heroes Monument is located nearby the East Java governor’s headquarters. It’s within Surabaya’s city square area and surrounded by trees and grass. This place opens every day, but it’s especially more packed in Sunday during the Car Free Day.

Museum House of Sampoerna

In its past life, this building was a cigarette factory that first operated in 1862. Located in Jalan Taman Sampoerna Krembangan, the building still looks as majestic as it did, with its Dutch colonial architecture. In front of the building, visitors can see four pillars that resemble cigarettes.

During the period of Dutch colonialism, the building was once used as an orphanage, but in 1932, owner of tobacco company Sampoerna, Liam Seeng Tee, purchased the place.

It’s open every day from 09.00 a.m. to 10.0. p.m., and tourists can visit for free.

Bamboo Forest

Not exactly a historical site, those who are more into nature tourism can visit Surabaya Bamboo Forest in Jalan Raya Marina Asri, Keputih. Total area of the forest is 40 ha, and it comprises of public space, Harmoni Garden, and Bamboo Forest.

Before being an Instagramable spot, the area was once a landfill.

Bamboos in this forest are planted in columns and created some very interesting-looking aisles.

Surabaya Zoo

Not an average zoo because the zoo is home to 211 species of animals, making it the most complete zoo in Southeast Asia. With more than 2,000 animals living in the zoo, visitors can relax while learning so much about faunas.

Bambu Runcing Monument

It translates to sharp-pointed bamboo, literally. This monument, located in Jalan Panglima Sudirman, Embong Kaliasin, resembles five sharp-pointed bamboos in different heights. This symbolizes the fight of Surabaya people against colonialism, with sharp-pointed bamboos as their main weapons.

Sepuluh November (10th November) Museum

As the name suggests, this place displays a lot historical items but not limited to the November 10 event. Visitors can have a look at documents, weapons, images, paintings, replicas, along with dioramas that illustrate live during colonialism. This is the perfect destination for an educational trip – both for adults and children.

The museum is located in Jalan Pahlawan, and the ticket is only Rp2,000 (US$0.14). It opens from 08.00 a.m. to 02.30 p.m., from Tuesday to Sunday.

Tag # tourism # traveling # surabaya # east java # history

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