Gov't Launches Aid and Rehab Efforts in Bekasi After Floods
The rehabilitation project especially for public service infrastructure, such as bridges and schools that were severely damage.
The rehabilitation project especially for public service infrastructure, such as bridges and schools that were severely damage.
The Ministry of Public Works, alongside relevant agencies, continues to monitor the situation and ensure effective disaster management.
The Ministry of Public Works, alongside relevant agencies, continues to monitor the situation and ensure effective disaster management.
TheIndonesia.co - The Javan Lutung habitat in Pantai Bahagia Village, Muaragembong District, Bekasi, is threatened due to the shrinking of the mangrove area - their food sources and habitats.
"There are not enough mangrove trees for them (Javan Lutung) to live. The trees were cut down, and the land was turned into ponds," said the Deputy of the Pantai Bahagia Village Tourism Awareness Group, Ahmad Qurtubi, Wednesday, November 8, 2021.
He explained that the 40 hectares of 100 Trachypithecus Auratus habitats are now shrinking into 14 hectares.
Qurtubi explained that a small group of Javan Lutung consisted of 7 to 10 Lutungs. Ideally, they need 12 hectares of land to survive.
Apart from habitat loss, the Javan Lutung population is also in danger due to massive illegal hunting. On the other hand, Javan Lutung is one of many animals protected by the government.
"Currently, there are 55 Lutungs in the north and 40 in the south. The population is increased by five to six individuals every year since 2013. Previously, it was only about 20 to 30 individuals. Illegal hunting has always been the problem. We as environmental activists and the local residents will continue to conserve them," he said.
The existence of the Javan Lutung has attracted many tourists recently. Unfortunately, the place is not supported by decent facilities.
"There are several things we need to do to preserve Javan Lutung. First, there must be a Lutung conservation habitat. Secondly, we need to build decent infrastructure to support the educational tourism areas," he said.