Two Hectares of Cannabis Farm in Aceh Destroyed by Authorities
The farm was found on Saturday.
The farm was found on Saturday.
DPRA will invite medical experts and researchers to kick off the discussion.
"Kratom is still under the process of determining its classification. Whether it will be classified into the narcotics group (or other groups), we in principle follow the decisions of the Ministry of Health and the National Narcotics Agency."
TheIndonesia.co - The Denpasar Police confiscated nearly 400 grams of liquid cannabis from a US nationality who was arrested in the Kuta area, Badung, Bali. The liquid cannabis was sent from Thailand using an expedition service with camouflage gifts and snacks.
Denpasar Police Chief Commissioner Bambang Yugo Pamungkas when publishing the arrest in Denpasar, Wednesday, August 3, 2022, said that the police received information from the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Customs and Excise when checking goods sent from abroad.
"Information from Customs and Excise was then conveyed to us, then we arrested the person concerned," said the Denpasar Police Chief.
When he was arrested and investigated further, the police found a glass bottle containing liquid yellow cannabis weighing 360 grams and six syringes containing liquid marijuana weighing 6.01 grams. The foreigner, who has now been named a suspect by the police, admitted that he had twice sent packages of liquid marijuana from Thailand to Indonesia.
He also admitted that he consumed the liquid marijuana together with his friends. The police are unable to conclude whether the US foreigner is only a user or a dealer.
"We are still investigating, while it is still being used alone, and the person concerned has also given it to his friends, but we are still investigating this network further," said Bambang Yugo.
Meanwhile, regarding his visa status in Indonesia, the police said he arrived with a tourist visa. The US foreigner is also known to have visited Bali back and forth.
"He has been here for more or less 2 years," said the Denpasar Police Chief.
In a separate session, the Head of the Denpasar Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police, Mirza Gunawan, said that the Police is still investigating the possibility that the US foreigner had consumed liquid cannabis as a cancer therapy. The reason was conveyed by the US foreigner when he was shown to journalists at the Denpasar Police Headquarters. He admitted to having cancer for 5 years.
"While it is still being investigated because he also has not been able to show evidence that he has the disease. Not yet (medical evidence, ed.). Later (we) will try to carry out further investigations," said Mirza Gunawan.
The US foreigner is currently charged with Article 111 paragraph (2) of Law (UU) Number 5 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. He was also threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years or life imprisonment. He is also threatened with a minimum fine of IDR 800 million and a maximum of IDR 8 billion.