- Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki wants strong regulatory support for the continuity of the kratom business in Indonesia, considering the market demand for this commodity is very large. At the moment, kratom has not been widely used for the pharmaceutical industry or other purposes, so the government plans to grow the kratom industry in the country.
“In regulations, currently kratom is not a prohibited product, so it can be cultivated and traded. And it is also not prohibited to export either in the form of kratom powder or kratom extract," said Teten Masduki in a Round Table Discussion with the Chamber of Commerce, American Kratom Association, Research Experts, United States Senators and Representatives with the theme "The Urgency of the Sustainability of the Kratom Trade" which was held by the Anugerah Bumi Hijau Producer Cooperative (Koprabuh) in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 10, 2022.
Even though it has not been fully utilized, Indonesia is one of the largest kratom producers by exporting to various parts of the world, especially the United States. Teten Masduki sees the enormous economic potential of kratom because the plant is widespread in several islands such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Papua.
“Currently Koprabuh is already working with farmers in West Kalimantan. We can expand the development of kratom cultivation by utilizing social forestry programs,” said Teten Masduki.
On the occasion, he presented representatives from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to discuss regulations for the development of kratom in the future.
Deputy for Supervision of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, and Cosmetics at BPOM Reri Indriani said that the agency is open to overseeing kratom development innovations by conducting research on these commodities as drugs, as long as the benefits outweighed the risks by mitigating risks during the circulation of kratom. This is the basic principle of evidence-based medicine, which is a process that is used systematically to evaluate, find, review, and utilize study results as the basis for clinical decision-making.
Furthermore, BPOM is ready to oversee the research in the development of kratom. "However, we will refer to the decision from the Ministry of Health and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) which is the leading sector, in this case, kratom is still under the process of determining its classification. Whether it will be classified into the narcotics group (or other groups), we in principle follow the decisions of the Ministry of Health and the National Narcotics Agency," said Reri Indriani.