- The DKI Jakarta Health Service tightens monitoring and improves its real-time reporting system to anticipate cases of acute respiratory infection (ARI) and pneumonia in children and adults in the province.
"This monitoring is carried out in all community health center (puskesmas) and 194 hospitals to monitor the real condition and detect new diseases with laboratory tests," the Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Immunization Department at the health service, Ngabila Salama, conveyed on Sunday.
The monitoring is carried out in virus panel examination to find out the virus infection due to poor immunity amid the transition period from dry to rainy season.
As quoted by Antara, Salama mentioned that human immunity tends to decrease due to humidity factors which are prone to viruses, bacteria, and fungi entering the body.
"We also anticipate an increase in cases of pneumonia under five in China (walking pneumonia) and also in the Netherlands and India, which may be caused by viruses such as adenovirus, RSV, rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, COVID-19, and mycoplasma. We need a preventive measure," she added.
In order to maintain health, she suggested the community to implement the clean and healthy living behavior and wear masks in the crowd, especially for those who are sick. Then followed by washing hands regularly with running water and soap, and completing routine immunizations for children.
"The government has provided 15 free immunizations, from children to adults, such as Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) vaccination to prevent pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae type B/HiB," Salama remarked.
A full dose of COVID-19 vaccination for adults aged 18 years and over is also available at puskesmas and Regional Hospital.
An additional influenza vaccine is also recommended for ages 6 months and over, especially vulnerable groups such as toddlers, the elderly, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women, and health workers.
She also reminded the public to maintain good air ventilation, especially in indoor areas by routinely opening windows or using air filter.
As a form of government preparedness in anticipating the transmission of pneumonia in Indonesia, the Ministry of Health issued Circular Letter Number: PM.03.01/C/4632/2023 concerning Precautions against Mycoplasma Pneumonia Incidents in Indonesia.
In this circular, the ministry's Director General of Disease Prevention and Control, Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, asked the Port Health Office (KKP) to monitor the development of cases and countries affected with Mycoplasma Pneumonia and increase early vigilance to the disease.
He also asked the KKP to increase supervision of people (crew, personnel, and passengers), transportation equipment, luggage, and disease-carrying animals in ports, airports and cross-border posts, especially those from infected countries.