- President Joko Widodo reshuffled the cabinet on Monday, July 17, 2023, at the State Palace in Jakarta. One of the newly appointed ministers is the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Budi Arie Setiadi.
Previously, the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Johnny G Plate, was recently a suspect in a corruption case involving the BTS BAKTI Kominfo project.
After careful consideration, President Jokowi officially inaugurated Budi Arie Setiadi as the new Minister for the period 2023-2024, replacing Johnny G Plate.
Budi Arie now faces significant responsibilities. Various improvements in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics are expected to be realized by the former Minister of Villages. There are several tasks that need to be completed by the Minister in a short period of time.
Here are some tasks that Minister Budi Arie Setiadi needs to accomplish during President Joko Widodo's presidency.
1. Analog Switch Off (ASO)
Analog Switch Off (ASO) is mandated by the Job Creation Law, which was planned to be completed by November 2, 2022. Unfortunately, the termination of analog broadcasts has experienced delays beyond the deadlines set by the law. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics is expected to complete it by August 2023.
2. 5G
5G technology is not yet widespread in Indonesia. The readiness of the ecosystem and spectrum is still minimal. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics aims to expand 5G coverage to 11 new locations in Indonesia by 2023 and 2 new locations by 2024.
3. Satria Satellite
The Satria Multifunction Satellite is a dedicated satellite for internet services and its mission is to meet the national broadband capacity needs. Initially, the satellite with a speed of 150 Gbps was planned to provide internet access to 150,000 locations.
However, during its launch, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) changed the number of locations to be served to 50,000, considering that the target community's adoption of digital technology is already mature enough. The new Minister of Communication and Informatics must continue to monitor the certainty that the number of locations receiving services from the Satria satellite remains intact.
4. Building 4G internet in 12,000 Villages
One of the tasks that the Minister of Communication and Informatics must accomplish is to build 4G internet in 12,000 villages in Indonesia in collaboration with mobile operators. Furthermore, the Minister of Communication and Informatics also needs to address tasks such as digital literacy, data placement, and the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Law.
These are some pieces of information regarding the tasks of the newly inaugurated Minister of Communication and Informatics, Budi Arie, by President Jokowi.