- The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment said it targets to complete the zoning plan of 12 interregional marine areas by 2024 as it’s deemed crucial to encourage investment in national marine and fisheries sector.
Deputy assistant for marine spatial management coordination at the Coordinating Ministry Rasman Manafi said the Indonesian government is planning to immediately finish the zoning plan, which will then be regulated in a presidential regulation (Perpres).
“Regarding Indonesian Ocean Policy, or KKI, 12 interregional areas are the minimum target to be soon completed,” Manafi said on Tuesday, March 22, as reported by Antara.
He added that there are 19 interregional areas that require zoning plan, which is necessary as a reference to grant business permits.
As regulated in government regulation (PP) No. 32/2019 on Marine Spatial Plan, interregional areas will include seas, straits, and bays, and the zoning plan must be regulated in a Perpres.
At least three presidential regulations have been issued in 2022 on the zoning plan of Java Sea, Sulawesi Sea, and Tomini Bay in Sulawesi.
Meanwhile, the government is yet to finish the zoning plan of Natuna and North Natuna Sea; Bali Sea; Banda Sea; Aru Sea; Halmahera Sea; Seram Sea; Maluku Sea; Flores Sea; Sawu Sea; Malaka Strait; Bone Bay; Cendrawasih Bay; Sumatra Western Sea; Southern Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara Sea; and Papua Northern Sea.
“There are already a number of zones whose usage pattern has been regulated, including for conservation. All interregional areas will be designated this way in the future, and we aim to accelerate the process in several areas,” Manafi explained.
Director general of marine spatial management at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Victor Gustaaf Manoppo added that the establishment of zoning plan is a priority as it will become the reference for Indonesian government to grant business permits.
“In other words, without marine zoning plan, business and non-business activities at sea will be held up,” Manoppo said.