- State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir will launch 5G Mining, new technology in the mining sector which is developed jointly by PT Freeport and state-owned telecommunication company Telkom Group in May this year.
"Our 5G Mining will be launched in May this year, (making Indonesia) the first country in Southeast Asia (to launch such a technology)," Erick Thohir said while delivering a keynote speech at the University of North Sumatra, Medan, on Sunday, January 9, 2022.
According to the Minister of SOEs, 5G Mining is necessary for the mining sector because it is difficult for humans to work in deep mining without the help of tools.
Hence, those working in deep mines are usually autonomous vehicles and robotics while people control those robots remotely to carry out the deep mining activities.
Previously, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said PT Freeport in collaboration with the Telkom Group would present 5G Mining technology.
Erick Thohir hoped that President Joko Widodo could be present at Freeport to inaugurate the 5G Mining technology launch, as it would be the first 5G Mining launch in Southeast Asia.
The 5G is to function to maintain operational safety because deep mining is very challenging and it is important to protect the workers working inside the mines.
Besides, the 5G Mining will also improve integration connectivity because it applies a hyper-connected network.
The technology will showcase the sophistication of an autonomous car or autonomous truck.
The SOE Ministry will monitor while PT Freeport and Telkom are making preparations for the 5G Mining launch.