Friday, 17 February 2023 | 14:25
Aulia Hafisa
Opening Facebook on a Laptop (Cottonbro Studio/Pexels) - Do you want to increase your online shop's sales? You can advertise your shop on Facebook Ads. Creating Facebook Ads is very easy. You can actually do it at home. 

If you are a businessman who sells your merchandise through social media on Facebook or Instagram, you can get more traffic compared to the organic method. 

By advertising using Facebook ads, you can increase the traffic of potential buyers who later can be your buyers.

So, how to create ads on Facebook ads? Here is the easy way.

There are two ways to advertise using Facebook ads, either through the boost button on posts to get more reach or using the ads manager dashboard.  

However, for more detailed advertising, you should use the dashboard ads manager. You also provide Instagram on one dashboard.

How to create Facebook Ads

Facebook illustration (Kon Karampelas/Unsplash)

1.Go to the page

2. Click Create

3. Choose a Campaign Objective as follows

4. Select the type of campaign you want, then click Continue

5. Next is to create an Ad Set

6. In the Ad Set you are asked to determine targeting such as Budget settings, you can set it daily or throughout the promotion period (safe advertising is four days)

But keep in mind that you also have to make payment settings on the business management menu > Billing.

Set a payment method that allows you to do it, you can use a credit card or a local Indonesian bank transfer.

By using Facebook ads you can reach people who use Facebook or Instagram to get to know the products or services you provide.