Friday, 13 January 2023 | 18:30
Aulia Hafisa
Long Covid Illustration (Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels) - For most people, light or moderate Covid-19 only last for two weeks. However, for some others, long-term Covid-19 can cause a series of persistent health problems. For example, is the Long Covid-19. 

What is Long Covid?

Long covid is a condition of Covid-19 symptoms experienced by patients who have recovered from the Covid-19 infection. Long Covid is a long-term symptom of Covid-19 that is experienced by patients several months after infection or during the recovery period.

From a number of studies, long Covid is often found in patients aged 18-34 years. Around 20 percent of long Covid patients experience persistent symptoms.

Long Covid can reduce a person's health quality, which might cause severe symptoms in special cases in the future. 

Symptoms of Long Covid

In general, long Covid symptoms are related to the disease of the ear, nose, and throat, including:

Covid-19 Illustration (Anna Shvets)

How to Detect Long Covid

Primaya Hospital Bekasi pathology specialist, Dr. Muhammad Irhamsyah SpPK M.Kes, explained that there are several stages to detecting patients with long covid.